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亚洲先行·全球视野 | 欧洲杯买球网重磅出击,强势登陆设计之都·泰国

Property market outlook in Thailand

泰国经济稳健  再添新亮点


①With the economic recovery, the expansion of mass transit lines, and government infrastructure projects along the Eastern Economic Corridor, Thailand’s real estate market could be mounting a rebound in 2018.


②Developers are poised to spread their condominium and housing launches to provinces such as Chachoengsao, Chonburi, and Rayong. Around 45,000 new units are expected in the market by the end of 2017, a 15% increase from 2016.


③On the supply side, 2018 may see even more projects from developers compared to 2017, so the real estate market is forecast to show signs of improved health next year.

Thailand is an ancient, beautiful and richly endowed country full of dynamism. The world-renowned Grand Palace, magnificent Buddhist pagodas and splendid ethnic art all speak volumes about Thailand’s profound culture and unique charm. Over the centuries, the Thai People have created miracles on this land with their hard work and wisdom. Back to 20 years ago, Thailand earned the title as being one of the “Four Asian Tigers” and a front-runner in economic growth among Southeast Asian countries. In the past few years, Thailand has made remarkable achievements in state construction and national revitalization.  


泰国是一个历史悠久、美丽富饶而又充满朝气的国家。闻名遐迩的大王宫、千姿百态的佛塔胜迹、绚丽多彩的民族艺术,生动展现出泰国深厚的文化底蕴和独特魅力。千百年来,泰国人民在这里用自己的勤劳和智慧创造了一个又一个奇迹。20多年前,泰国就被誉为“亚洲四小虎”之一,是东南亚国家中经济发展的佼佼者。这些年来, 在国家建设和民族振兴大业中取得了令人瞩目的成就。


Thailand’s culture mixes strong Indian influences, Chinese traditions, and elements that are uniquely Thai. With its diverse geography, friendly people, and stunning scenery, the “Land of a Thousand Smiles” is a must-see destination in South East Asia. With rugged mountains in the north and world-famous tropical beaches in the south, it is a land of pristine beauty.




Strong Growth Ahead

Asia's Dynamic Economies Continue to Lead Global Growth



The Regional Economic Outlook for Asia and the Pacific estimates growth for the region to increase this year to 5.5 percent from 5.3 percent in 2016. Growth will remain strong at 5.4 percent in 2018, as the region continues to be the leader of global growth. 




Southeast Asia is a Pivot in China's “Belt and Road” Initiative. Thailand functions as an anchor economy for the neighboring developing countries like Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia. The region's growing markets, numerous manufacturing hubs and abundant natural resources offer the two sides a wealth of economic opportunities.




Thailand is China’s main trading partner in ASEAN. China and ASEAN have established a wide-ranging, multi-tiered and comprehensive pattern for good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation as well as a community of shared destinies. Due to the “2+7” cooperation framework and the process of ASEAN integration, China and Thailand will definitely have a promising future.





Speed Up Dongpeng Brand Penetration

By Multichannel Marketing Activities

多维度品牌曝光  迅速深化市场渗透


Among the surging tide of rapid economic development, it is of great significance to build up brand reputation and enhance brand value against the strong competition. Dongpeng takes a leading position in the world building materials industry, benefiting from the diversified product segmentation, multilevel distribution system, years of branding precipitation. Under the current economic globalization background, industry development faces new impact and challenge. Along with the “Belt and Road Initiative”, Dongpeng strategically focus on the Asia Pacific region, radiating global business.


在全世界风起云涌的时代浪潮中,打造品牌口碑,提升品牌价值显得尤为重要; 欧洲杯买球网凭借多元化的产品结构,多层次的经销体系,多年的品牌沉淀,傲立于世界建陶行业的前列。在经济全球化的今天,沿着“一带一路”国家政策的东风,欧洲杯买球网进行海外布局,聚焦亚太地区,辐射全球业务。


Thailand, as the prominent economy and design hub in Asia, becomes the first station of Dongpeng’s overseas voyage. Centered on “Asia Alliance, World Vision”, a series of large-scaled promotion activities are coming up in Bangkok.




Dongpeng brand is expanding its presence in Thailand with an eye on future success. On 19th April, as the very first marketing initiative in the industry, Dongpeng is pioneered to launch its billboard advertisement in Suvarnabhumi Airport, showing its unique charms and brand image to Thailand and the world. It is, with no doubt, a remarkable moment for Dongpeng and the industry. With the most trendy and eye-catchy design, it occupies the international & domestic arrival concourse, as well as the arrival hall after luggage pick-up. You will never let slip a chance to miss it.


放眼世界,聚焦未来。在4月19日,欧洲杯买球网作为行业领军企业,率先登陆泰国,在曼谷素万那普国际机场刊登大型形象广告,向泰国以及来自全世界的观众诠释欧洲杯买球网大国品牌的魅力。毫无疑问,这是属于欧洲杯买球网以及全行业的历史时刻。欧洲杯买球网形象广告以其简约而时尚的设计,尽显大将之风,实力占领素万那普机场国际&国内航站楼以及到达大厅, 触及每一个角落,吸引百万流量。


Coming soon

One More Surprise Worthy of Expectation



On 29th April - 1st May, Dongpeng International Business Department annual meeting will be held in Marriot Bangkok, celebrating our achievement in 2017 and pursuing mutual beneficial win-win results and common development in 2018, with over 120 guests including partners, architects and designers from around the globe.

4月29日- 5月1日在曼谷隆重举行欧洲杯买球网国际营销体系年会,邀请全球客商,共襄盛举。对过去一年取得的成绩进行总结表彰,同时探讨未来一年的双赢和共同发展。

On 1st - 6th May, Dongpeng gallery will make its grand presence in Architect’18, featured by industrial style and the most trendy elements. The new products will definitely surprise the industry.



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