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16日,佛山海关驻禅城办事处联合佛山市禅城区人民政府举办了2020年海关AEO企业颁证仪式,仪式上欧洲杯买球网被正式授予海关AEO高级认证证书, 欧洲杯买球网国际营销中心总经理叶伟贤、欧洲杯买球网品质管理总监陈世清等代表出席现场仪式。


On 16th December, Customs Office in Chancheng Foshan, the Guangzhou Customs District, P.R.China, joining with Foshan Chancheng District People's Government held a AEO Certificate&Award Ceremony, where Dongpeng was accredited as AEO Advanced Certified Enterprise. Ye Weixian, General Manager of Dongpeng International Dept.and Chen Shiqing, director of Dongpeng Quality Management Dept. attended the ceremony.



Chen Shiqing, Director of Dongpeng Quality Management Dept.(right)was awarded the AEO advanced certificate.



Ye Weixian, General Manager of Dongpeng International Business Dept.was interviewed by Foshan TV Station



Photo of Dongpeng representatives, Mr. Ye Weixian and Mr. Chen Shiqing


Worldwide Accredited Title-AEO Advanced Certificate



The Authorized Economy Operator (hereafter referred to as the AEO) system, an accredited title for good-credit enterprises by Customs of all countries in the world, is advocated by the World Customs Organization (WCO) in order to secure supply chain, facilitate global trade, realize mutual benefit based on Customs to Customs cooperation and Customs to Business partnership. The Customs will accesses strictly enterprise’s qualification in four aspects such as internal management, financial status, compliance with laws and regulations, and trade security, and accredited AEOs can be provided simplified procedures regarding customs clearance and relevant preferential treatments. Therefore, AEO Advanced Certification is also known as the Accelerator of foreign trade. Besides, AEO certification is also a testimony to a company’s general credit and internal management level as the certified one is indeed a model of integrity among foreign trade counterparts and a benchmark for the whole industry.


Good Credit Makes a Premium Brand

目前,在禅城区获得海关认证的企业占比仅为3.68%。欧洲杯买球网作为禅城区2020年唯一获得海关AEO高级认证的建陶企业,意味着已成为国际贸易中被公认为安全、可靠和合规的业务合作伙伴,因此可享有诸多进出口特惠权利,例如先放后税,缩短通关时间,降低通关成本;海关设立专属协调员;最低的查验率;优先的试点权; 信用联合激励措施等。更重要的是,走出国门后还可享受与中国实现AEO互认国家或地区海关提供的通关便利,相当于获得了一张在全球有关国家或地区快速通关的VIP通行证, 综合提高了欧洲杯买球网的国际贸易竞争力和品牌议价能力。


With the low passing ratio of 3.68%, AEOs system features extremely high standards.As the only advanced China AEOs in ceramic industry in 2020, it proves that Dongpeng has been recognized worldwide as a safe, reliable and compliant business partner with good credit in international trade. It will be given many privileges of import and export. For example, Dongpeng’s cargo can be released first from the Customs before taxation with lowest inspection rate, which shortens the time of customs clearance and reduces the cost. Apart from that, the Customs will also appoint an exclusive coordinator for Dongpeng regarding relevant affairs including pilot programme and joint incentives. Most importantly, Dongpeng has also access to efficient and simplified customs clearance in countries and regions that have AEO mutual recognition with China. Therefore, the advanced AEO certification is equivalent to a VIP permission in the global trade. That is no doubt that Dongpeng has improved its international trade competitiveness and brand bargaining power especially together with the benefits as an advanced AEO.


Precise Market Operation under Belt and Road and RCEP



Over the past 48 years, Dongpeng has always been committed to the precise and meticulous market operation. In 2021, it will focus on the further expansion in 23 key overseas cities under the framework of Belt and Road Initiative and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. For the expansion, resources and supports will be pooled together to execute the Hundred Stores Strategy in order to quickly penetrate into the sales network. Likewise, China Customs has signed up with 42 countries and regions in 15 economies, such as Singapore, South Korea, the European Union, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Belarus, Uruguay, the United Arab Emirates and Brazil, of which 18 are along the Belt and Road Initiative, and several are part of RECP members,almost covering all the key overseas markets of Dongpeng. This will help Dongpeng win customer trust, get trade orders and enhance competitiveness in a more complex and changeable international trade environment.


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